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Alerts are used to communicate a state that affects a system, feature or page.




Change the status of the alerts by passing the status prop. This affects the color scheme and icon used. Alert supports error, success, warning, and info statuses.

Closable Alert

You can pass closable prop to make the alert closable and use onClose to listen to the click listener.

Action Button

You can pass actionButtonLabel which would render a action button with the provided text.

Composition & Customization

Alert is meant to be used with the single component API by passing props, like title, description, but if you want to have more control over it's rendering you can pass JSX children elements with Alert specific components.

  • AlertIcon
  • AlertBody
    • AlertTitle
    • AlertDescription
  • AlertActions
    • AlertActionButton
    • AlertCloseButton

You can also access the internal state/values via the render props pattern. You'll get access to the passed down status prop & the internal theme styles.